Global trends in digital transformation
Well-functioning organizations see disruption coming and take this opportunity to pivot their businesses in a new direction towards innovation, growth, and sustainability. 2020 will be defined by a fresh new class of technologies.
Daniel Newman, a contributor to Forbes magazine infers that 1% effective data utilization out of 90% of the data created in 2018 could grow to 3% — 4% by 2020. “While the same core technologies that dominated these discussions will continue to be foundational to our collective digital transformation journey, 2020 will be defined by a fresh new class of technologies ready to graduate to the sidelines to center stage. Among them: 5G, AI, advanced data analytics, but also some that may surprise you” said Daniel.
Peter Diamandis thinks that Augmented Reality (AR) will be next “big thing” in 2020. “AR is Augmented Reality (AR) has already exceeded over 2,000 AR apps on over 1.4 billion active iOS devices. Even if on a rudimentary level, the technology is now permeating the consumer products space.
And in just the next four years, the International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts AR headset production will surge 141 percent each year, reaching a whopping 32 million units by 2023.
AR will soon serve as a surgeon’s assistant, a sales agent, and an educator, personalized to your kids’ learning patterns and interests.
In this fourth installment of our five-part AR series, I’m doing a deep dive into AR’s most exciting industry applications, poised to hit the market in the next 5-10 years.”